the Steppers

My Final Hip Hop Bucket Drum

            My bucket drum came from the hip hop culture. It was used in dance competitions with
my group the steppers. It was made out of 2 plastic buckets and a water bottle. I created cultural meaning to my instrument by choosing decorative elements that related to the hip hop culture. Some of the elements were the words were sup,homme and sick because they came from the hip hop culture language. Another element on my drum is a bboy handstand because it was a hip hop culture symbol and it signified their dance. Another element decorating my drum is a no slap sign because in the hip hop culture it was a rule that you could not slap people in dance competitions.


My Hip Hop Bucket Drum

             My instrument is a hip hop bucket drum. My hip hop bucket drum is played by banging the buckets. I made my instrument out of 2 buckets one of the buckets was large and the other bucket was small. Also I made my instrument out of a water bottle. My instrument had 3 steps to making it. The 1st step was gathering the materials. The second step to making my instrument was putting them together. The last step to making my instrument was decorating my instrument. I did not face any challenges when I was making my instrument.

                   The part I played in my groups performance was allowing my group to incorporate more hip hop dance moves because I did a solo while my group was in the back round doing hip hop dance moves. Another part I played in my groups performance was making it longer because I had a solo which would take up more time in our performance. That is the part I played in my groups performance.

Hip Hop Clothes

     These are some of the clothes the hip hop culture wore.

Hip Hop Shoes

    This is the kind of shoes the hip hop culture wore.


Cultural Vibrations Final Reflection

       My cultural vibrations report will provide information I have discovered about my musical instrument. The report will give interesting information about the designs, the comparisons to older instruments and the traditions important to my creation.                                     

   Can you imagine two buckets and a water bottle converted into a functioning musical instrument as well as a cultural artifact? First of all, it is a musical instrument because it makes sounds like a drum. Also it can change its pitch and tone like a real instrument can. You can do this by either hitting or banging it harder or softer. In addition to it being a musical instrument it is also a cultural artifact because it is man made. It was made at Oakland Beach School and was used as a school project in the time period 2011 to represent the hip hop culture being studied. Adding to this, my instrument contains specific cultural elements. Some of these elements include the words “sup, homee and sick” because that is the hip hop cultural language. Another element decorating my drum is a picture of a “Bboy handstand”. I chose this because it was a hip hop cultural symbol and it signified their dance. The third element posted on my instrument is a trophy because it relates to common cultural values in the hip hop culture. The money sign is also decorating my drum because hip hoppers could win money in dance competitions. Finally their is a “no slap sign” on my drum because it was a rule in the hip hop culture that you could not slap people when you are in a dance competition.                                                                                                 

      Can you believe that an African shaker and a plastic drum set can be similar and different? Well they can.  My two artifacts are similar because they are both sculptures that have a purposeful function. Also they are both from the percussion family. In addition to the first two they also have designs on them. My two artifacts are different because they both have different uses. For example, the African shaker was used for hunting and also to locate dogs. On the other hand my hip hop bucket drum was only used for hip hop dance competitions. Also they are different because they were maid by two different people, the African shaker was made by a nganga, which is a person focused on tracing spiritual forces, and my hip hop bucket drum was made by a regular sixth grader.                                                                                                                                        

        My bucket drum can be used as part of my cultural experience because the hip hop culture had specific traditions such as going to dance competitions every time a new one opened up. Also they had specific purposes of entering dance competitions. The first reason that they entered dance competitions was to win money, which was a common hip hop cultural value. Another reason why the hip hop culture entered dance competitions was to be the best of the best. Another thing I learned by my bucket drum was that dance groups would always wear matching clothes.

          In summary, I hope you understand how my instrument, the bucket drum, functions. Also, how it compares to an African shaker and how the traditions are important to my creation.     


My Instrument Is A African Bell


              My instrument is a bell it was used for hunting in the late 19th and early 20th century. Many different people used this like a nganga,diviner.nkisi and a regalia who were all different specialists. The bells were also used on Kongo dogs, because Kongo dogs could not bark they were located by the bells they wore. My instrument came from Africa. This instrument was used for hunting. Their was only one cultural symbol on my African instrument which was a man. The personal reflection I had to this instrument was not a good one because I thought this instrument was very boring. I thought this instrument was boring because it looked like a normal shaker to me except it had a man as a handle instead of a regular handle.